- To save your vehicle permanently in the virtual garage and find matching parts and accessories more easily, create an account in our shop. Create an account now.
My garage
Park your vehicle

- At the moment, we cannot find your vehicle by the VIN code you have entered. Try searching for your vehicle by entering its basic parameters (tab: Select a Vehicle).
You don't own any vehicle yet.
Search for a vehicle by VIN number.
To add a vehicle to your garage, you can search for it by VIN number. If our database does not have such a VIN and your vehicle is not found, use the search engine by entering the basic parameters of the vehicle. Not sure where to find your vehicle's VIN number? Read our manual. Read our manual.
Search for a vehicle by its parameters.
If our database did not find your vehicle by the VIN number you entered, find the vehicle by selecting its basic parameters such as vehicle type, model year, model, model code and color.
Add important dates and information.
You will have all important dates concerning your vehicle in one place. Enter the liability insurance expiration date, technical inspection expiration date and Kawasaki warranty expiration date. This will make it easy for you to find important dates. You can also enter your own vehicle name and registration number.
Enter your vehicle's VIN number.
Regardless of how you added vehicles to your garage, enter its VIN number. This way you will always keep it around.
Upload a photo of your vehicle.
If you have a photo of your vehicle, upload it here. It's always good to please the eye! ;)
Save the data.
Finally, do not forget to save the entered data. This will ensure that your vehicle is parked in the virtual garage and will always be here waiting for you. And by clicking on "Go to sprae parts" or "Go to accessories" you will be easily and quickly redirected to the original spare parts and accessories dedicated to your vehicle.
We are confident that "My Garage" can accommodate all your Kawasaki vehicles. However, if you find yourself unable to add any more vehicles, please contact us by phone at 22 250 21 51 or by email at bok@kawasaki.pl.
Yes. After adding the first vehicle, there is an option "Add one more" in the page header.
No. This is the official website of the Kawasaki motorcycle importer, where you can freely browse manuals online. The download option is not available.
Click the "Manual's" button, then fill in one of the table fields and select "Search." The more fields you fill in, the more precise the search will be.
In the service log, you can record events related to your motorcycle's maintenance, such as oil changes, filter replacements, and tire changes. Thanks to this feature, you have all this data at your fingertips on your phone. In reality, you can use it to store various information, like keeping a travel diary ;-) but our main idea is to log service and maintenance records.
To add an entry to the service log: fill in the date, mileage, enter the text in the field, and MAKE SURE to click the "SAVE" button.
WARNING: Entries made in this log are not official records in the vehicle's service book and are not saved in Kawasaki's electronic service book. Only you and the administrator of the sklep.kawasaki.pl website have access to these entries.
Only logged-in users can ask about a technical action. Log in to your account or register, and this feature will be available to you.
Not yet. However, we are constantly working on expanding its functionality.
Remember that you can request an insurance quote at any time. To do so, click the "Insurance Offer" button.
After successfully parking your motorcycle (by finding it using the VIN number or selecting the correct parameters), click the "View Parts" button. You will be redirected to a page with technical diagrams for your motorcycle. There, you can select the diagram of interest and find the appropriate parts.
If you have trouble selecting parts or have any doubts, please contact our Customer Service Office.
Choosing the correct parameters can be crucial for selecting and matching certain motorcycle parts. If you don't know your motorcycle's model code or can't find it, contact our helpline. You can also look up this information on the manufacturer's website here.
The data obtained this way will help you select the appropriate parameters in our search engine. Example:
Search for a vehicle by VIN number.
To add a vehicle to your garage, you can search for it using the VIN number. If our database does not contain this VIN and your vehicle is not found, use the search tool by entering the basic vehicle parameters. Don't know where to find your vehicle's VIN number? Read our instructions.
Search for a vehicle by its parameters
If our database did not find your vehicle using the provided VIN number, search for the vehicle by selecting its basic parameters such as vehicle type, model year, model, model code, and color.
Is the system unable to find your vehicle by VIN number?
Sometimes, our website database may not contain a specific VIN number. In that case, you can select your vehicle by entering its parameters or call our helpline – we will help you choose the right options.
If you are logged in, you can access your virtual garage and motorcycle from any device with internet access and a web browser. You can also use the entry log, owner's manual, and motorcycle data.
You can easily check if an active technical action is assigned to your motorcycle.
You can easily ask a question about your motorcycle.
You can also request a quote for your vehicle insurance.
It is not necessary. However, if you log in, you will have many more options, and your vehicles will remain parked there until you remove them.
Parking your motorcycle in the virtual garage gives you a quick access to essential information about your Kawasaki. In one place, you have an easy access to technical diagrams, the online motorcycle manual, and several additional features—available if you are a logged-in user.
The photos are stored only here, in the "My Garage" section, and are accessible only to you. We will not use them for any other purposes.